Monday, May 30, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Yesterday Chloe turned 17 and I turned 28.

I had such a great. We had a big lunch at Communal, Grant and I went to a movie. Then we all went to PF Changs and then to my parents for cake and presents.

It was a very happy day.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Yesterday afternoon was so beautiful we decided to take Monet out to the golf course. She was in her own little heaven. Running and screaming and singing and driving the golf cart.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Monet went to her 2 year Dr appointment last week:

Length: 33.6 in (25%)

Weight: 20.4 lbs (-3%)

Head: 47.2 cm (25%)

I can't believe she only weighs 20 pounds. But she is progressing and growing taller, he said it was just genetics (thanks to Grant) and he said if she keeps growing at this rate she will be about 5'4/5'5. So I immediately took her to the nearest ballet class. I decided I might turn into the mother who lives her dreams through her daughter... Clara in the Nutcracker perhaps.

(ha ha)


Monet is starting to get a little feisty. She wants to sit in a big chair instead of her highchair, all the time. I'm learning how to talk her calmly into things. Sometimes it's not easy.

She is starting to play on her own and I can see her using her little imagination.

She loves my parents backyard. She is always mauling Tinkerbell or Sadie, whoever is in sight.

She loves the CD tangled and has most of the songs memorized. Her favorite is "I've got a dream" and she'll break out singing it at any time of the day.

She has her ABC's and counting to ten down perfectly.

Her favorite book is Brown Bear.

She's an apple juice junkie.

Her favorite food is rice and beans and also pizza.

She is talking so well.

She always wants to know where everyone is, "Where's Chloe? Where's Nana? Where's Riley?"

When someone asks, "Is your dad at work?" she says, "no, golfing."

She likes playing tea party.

She eats a Popsicle in the tub every night.

She loves to look at photos and videos of herself on all of our phones.

She has a real sense of humor and makes me laugh all day.

I've loved every stage but I think two is so fun.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


There is a new baby colt at the barn near my parents house so we took Monet to see him. She loves horses because we have some right next to our house that Grant takes her to see everyday. She was so happy and excited.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


We all might be hating the rain but Monet is loving it.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Mothers Day is the best holiday ever. I'm glad to be a part of it.

Thanks little M.

Friday, May 6, 2011


My birthday is at the end of this month, maybe I will make this cute garland for myself!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Yesterday was Grant's birthday. Chloe wasn't there so there were no pictures taken, but it was a lot of fun. We ate Chinese food at Shoots and then spent a ridiculous amount of money at Provo Beach competing in hoop shoot basketball and trying to win an iPad... hilarious. I selfishly gave this print to Grant to put on our mantle :)


Happy Birthday Love.