Monday, March 26, 2007


Ah, thanks for the support girls.
So what's new? We're just about to start building a house in AF. Grant's the general and I'm doing the designing. We're just waiting for the plans to be passed by the city. Hopefully we'll be rollin' by end of April. Maybe, just maybe, we can have the Christmas party at the new pad. I'm sure none of you would mind drinking hot chocolate off the floor.
By the way, Utah is so sweet, where else can you ski and play tennis in one day?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I can't promise this blogging thing will last long. I'm such an outsider no dogs...However I do love seeing what you and your kids are doing (yes I do consider Toby a kid - Nat). Grant and I just got back from Hawaii two days ago. I'm trying to fight off the depression of being home. After going to Paris and Hawaii within 5 months, I am now on a trip downer. Whenever I pull out the travel book Grant just rolls his eyes at me.