Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This is my sick sick baby.
Last Monday she had 5 shots and she's been miserable ever since.
The week before that she had a bad cold.
The week before that she started to get all four molars at once.
Needless to say we haven't had much rest for the last month.
At 18 Months
Length: 31 1/2 (50%)
Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz (-3%)

Monet loves to talk. I usually can always understand what she's saying.

She's starting to put three words together.

She copies everything we say.

She can count to ten. However lately she skips 5 and 6.

She can count to ten in Spanish with Grants help.

She can sing the ABC's.

She knows lots of body parts, my favorite is when she grabs her cheeks. I also love when I'm holding her and she randomly pokes me in the eye and says, "eyes?"

Whenever she sees a toothbrush she says, "brush your teeth."

Anytime anyone sneezes she says 'bless you' immediately after.

She's a real mommas girl lately, but I think that's just because she hasn't been feeling well.

She loves raw tomatoes and eats all sorts of vegetables (unlike me.)

Whenever we leave we have to have Jessie and her hat, Woody and his hat, Buzz and Bullseye, it's a bit of a spectacle.

She's super fun and always entertaining.


Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

Seeing pics of little Monet makes me so excited for the day Cassidy and I have our own. I love your cute update posts on what she is doing each month!

Unknown said...

Hi Hay! Just got your comment... just wanted to make sure you knew the shower is Saturday not Friday! I don't want you to show up on the wrong day! So sorry Monet is sick, it's seriously the worst when your kids are sick. Hope she feels better soon.

Robyn Cox said...

I can't believe she is talking so well! I want to hear her. I swear Lane didn't talk until he was three! Well, he talked, I just couldn't understand him! She is so adorable.

Chelsea Anne said...

Hannah's 11lbs, Monet better watch out pretty soon Hannah's going to be ready to wrestle!

She's so tiny, yet so grown up! I don't think Jesse said much at 18 months. Just No and Mine!

coco said...

she's so cute! and when she's older you're going to be so glad you wrote down all those cute things about her, it's so fun to read them:)