Thursday, December 1, 2011


The day after Thanksgiving we went to cut down our Christmas trees. I think this is one of my favorite days of the year. It's so much fun.


We went higher up than usual. We picked the snowiest and most chilliest spot on the mountain! Plus we had to hike and hike and hike to find the 'cutting down worthy' trees. Dylan couldn't understand why we didn't just cut the ones right off the path. He kept saying, "we've passed so many!" I told him, "Welcome to Becky's world, just go along with it!"
Monet got all bundled up to sit in the truck.

Larry stayed with Monet. They watched movies, read books, ate treats and hung out by the fire.

He cooked us all cheeseburgers after our exhausting hunt.

We walked so far, I needed a break here and there! Or Chloe just pushed me down, one of the two.

We walked so far and then ended up on the road.

Monet was so happy...

Until we took her outside in the cold!

But it was worth it because we got the best tree we've ever had.

1 comment:

for you, love me said...

Your family is always doing the coolest things. I'm sorry to hear about Sadie.