Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Our lives have been pretty low key these days. I guess that's what the month of January is for.

Yesterday Monet and I went out to build a snowman. I decided that I couldn't complete such a task on my own so I made this Frosty, who clearly was taking a nap.
Monet playing on iPhoto.
I've gotten a lot of cleaning and organizing done this month. This is from one of our Ikea trips.
We've been watching Chloe cheer at her basketball games.
We've had lots of time to stay warm inside and play with Monet's Christmas toys.
Grant cleared out our storage room and made it into a golfing room. He and Monet have had hours of fun in there.
I'm sorry that all of my pictures are always from Instagram. It's just so convenient :)


allegra said...

that last picture is darling. she's flexible... future cheerleader! Runs in the blood:)

coco said...

hey at least you're still blogging! you'll be glad because you'll have some sort of journal/scrapbook. keep up the blogging!