Saturday, June 30, 2012


Ah, isn't summer the best...

 Lot's of swimming, ice cream, sno cones...

Lot's of fun!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


 Monet got her new big girl bed. She loves it and has slept through the night ever since we got it. 
Thank heavens.
 Morning time!
 S''mores at nana and grandpa's. Monet prefers them uncooked!
 Memorial Day we spent time at both of my grandparents graves. We also went to Sundance for lunch.
We've started off the summer with as much swimming as we can. 
We are loving the hot weather...loving it!!


We took a trip to Merced to visit Grant's family, and also to have his uncle remove Chloe's wisdom teeth. 
 Monet was so excited to have her grandpa clean her teeth. She felt so proud of herself. It was really cute. 
Most of the trip was taking care of this little toddler and poor Chloe. But it was good to see Grant's family and Monet had a blast, especially with Cosette, the Yorkie. 


Wednesday, June 13th.
Grant and I went into my 20 week Dr appointment at 9am. I was glad it was first thing in the morning because I was so anxious to find out if it was a boy or girl!
Grant was sure it was a girl, I was sure it was a boy. Most people were guessing boy. 
It was amazing seeing all of it's little body parts. And to hear that it was healthy and everything was fine was the biggest relief. We were overwhelmed with gratitude to see everything working and functioning how it should be. 
And then the technician said, "does anything look familiar?" which of course it didn't, I can never tell what anything is on the ultra sound! But I said, "is it a girl?" she said "yes" and the excitement just rushed over us both. Another little girl seems so perfect for us. We are incredibly happy.


In the late afternoon we had a party up the canyon to announce what the baby is. 
We had bets on boy or girl. 
We ate and hungout. 

 We had a box of or pink? 

Somehow Monet got it in her head that the baby was going to be in the box. Once the pink balloons floated in the sky, she just sat there starring at the empty box. She looked at me and Grant and said, "but where is the baby?"
It was the most perfect, happy, exciting, joyful day. 
We couldn't be more thrilled to have a baby girl!


Loving summer