Wednesday, July 18, 2007


True rumors: Lance Armstrong will ride in Leadville Trail 100 race this year
For the last 4 years my dad has raced in in the Leadville Trail 100. It's a 100 mile mountain bike race that takes 12 hours of straight mountain biking. We just found out this year Lance Armstrong and Floyd Landis will be racing in it too. It's going to be crazy. Leadville is such a small town. I'm hoping to run into Lance while eating a cinnamon roll in the bakery. Too bad he's not with Sheryl Crow any more, that would be even better.


jenna said...

i just wondered about your old house because we are thinking of buying a townhome instead of building a house. same sort of thing as you we will just rent it out eventually. do you like your neighborhood? Fashion is amazing, I'm thinking of just transferring there...i don't know if I can go to this big of a store to University. I just peed my pants about belle, let me know.

mer and josh said...

Hey! I just realized I'm going to be in Leadville the same time you are! But camping instead of watching the race! So sad I had to miss the BBQ, bet it was fun.

jenna said...

get anything yummy at the sale?