Thursday, August 14, 2008


Chloe made the Timpview Sophomore Soccer team. Last night was their first game against Lone Peak and they won. She worked really hard all summer so I'm very glad she made the team. Back to THS. (I have to admit I love High School.)


Natalie said...

I'm so glad to see she made it...she looks HOT in that uniform. I'm sorry about your lip but, I won't worry about you having to have your lips removed due to cancer....just teasing. Have a good one.

Ellery said...

Yea Chloe!!! Yea Larry!!!
I am so proud of both of them!! we will have to come chear chloe on at one of her games! and your dad can always say he raced against lance armstrong! the banana treat is soo awesome. i love when crazy things like that happen. you should come up with a dessert recipe for it and call it the lance armstrong!!

allegra said...

a cute girl that is good at sports. every guys dream. you better protect her from the boys. long live THS