Tuesday, September 8, 2009


You are looking at the new
2009 / 2010 ALPINE COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPION Grant played in the three day club tournament this weekend and did awesome. He lead all three days and took home the crystal. Monet and I came out to watch him come up on the 18th green. Everyone cheered, we hugged (I felt like Phil Mickelson's wife (!)), lots of handshaking and 'good jobs'. It was a lot fun.
(Everyone was gone so we took our own family portrait.)
Monet and I are proud. (Monet even bought some new Puma shoes for the occasion.)
My golfing stud.


jenna said...

fun! congrats grant!

quinn has those same ones. but in grey. cute.

whit said...

YEAH for GRANT!!! Jared is going to be a little jealous! Monet is darling as usual, looks fun!

for you, love me said...

Way to go Grant! That is awesome...and where is this Latin festival?

coco said...

what a golf stud. could he give joe some lessons?!