Monday, April 5, 2010


Our week in California.
We arrived Friday afternoon, ate at the Cheesecake Factory and watched college basketball. Then went to a really cool bowling alley.
Saturday we hung out by the pool. 80 degree weather felt like heaven. Monet went swimming for the first time.
We then went to the Anaheim Convention Center to watch Timpview compete. They did awesome. They hit every stunt and looked so sharp and clean.
This is Chloe about to do a full down out of her heel stretch. I'm so proud of her, she didn't fall in any of her stunts all weekend.

They qualified for finals the next day.
Sunday we went to Disneyland. This is Monet on her first ride.
We waited in the shade while everyone else waited in line. Monet was enjoying walking all over Disneyland.

It's A Small World.
She was loving it.
That night Timpview competed again. They did great and took 2nd place (which was a huge accomplishment because the first place team is a California school that looks almost like a college squad). It was so fun to watch them.

Monday was another day at Disneyland. It was Spring Break for lots of schools so it was extremely crowded. We usually go in the fall when the lines are small, so it was a lot slower pace than we're used to! However it was nice just strolling around, letting Monet look at things and eating all sorts of junk food.

Eating in line. She was a baby on the go.
The Carousel again.
Watching the band.
Monet on Winnie the Pooh. She had this face the entire time.
The sun felt so good.
Tuesday at Disneyland, eating lunch.

We took Monet into PlayHouse Disney, a live show with a bunch of kids. She was so adorable. She was walking, clapping, dancing and laughing. We didn't see much of the show because we couldn't stop looking at her.
We were all ready to go on the kids rides with Monet before we left but there was one problem... she took about a 3 hour nap in her stroller.
Finally woke up and was ready for some more fun.
After dinner, late Tuesday night we packed up and headed to Ventura.
Wyatt's fiance Lindsay, has a beach house right on the water. We had the best time just relaxing in the adorable little beach town.
The first night we went to this amazing Italian restaurant. There was this lady (a Tina Turner look a like) who was singing and Monet was loving every second of it. Dancing and watching her every move. They lady was talking to Monet during the songs. It was pretty cute.
Thursday we went to Santa Barbara and shopped. I think I ate mine, Grants and Chloe's Pink Berry.
Friday we rode beach bikes all day long. We rode to a 50's diner for breakfast. (This was Monet's first bike ride. My dad pulled her all over the city.)
We rode out to the Pier.
Monet fell asleep.

After lunch we went on a long ride along the coast. Riley and Grant thoroughly enjoyed this tandem bike.

It was unbelievably beautiful.

We let Monet play on the beach for the first time.

On our way back we rode to this candy and soda shop.

Drinking soda and eating lots of candy.
On Saturday we stopped at the Getty Museum in LA to have lunch with my aunt Joyce. I wish we would have had more time to spend there, it looked amazing. We ate in this really cool restuarnt that over looked the entire city. We then walked out in the museum gardens.
Monet learned how much fun it is to walk down stairs.

Me, Monet, Joyce, My Mom and Chloe.

We had a tired baby that I thought would be out on the plane ride home. Instead she was so wired and crazy it took all 8 of us to keep her busy. I think she took my dads hat off his head about 50 times. She even tore the Sky Mall magazine to shreads.
We had the best time. None of us wanted to come home. (Especially to snow!)

My mom got Monet lots of cute Easter things. Monet was so sweet.
She especially loved the grass.


sarah said...

Oh yea!!! I've been waiting to see the TRIP post! The pictures couldn't be cuter. I'm so incredibly jealous! My eyes almost didn't know how to adjust to pictures with SUN!
What a sweet little baby...looks like Monet couldn't have done better! No surprises there!
I'm convinced. There is nothing better than Disneyland with the entire fam.
So glad you guys had a good time and are all back!

mer and josh said...

Looks like a blast. Monet is so sweet and looked like she had so much fun. It gives me the courage to take Ronin to Disneyland now.

whit said...

WOW! that looks like a fun trip! Good job Chloe! welcome home to the cold! Its so fun to see your own little baby have fun at disneyland, monet looks like she knew exactly what was going cute!

Natalie said...

So cute. I'm so sad I didn't get to see you. I love how your family absolutely adores Monet, it's so cute. Glad you guys had such a great time. All the pics are so darling...what a great family you have. xoxo

p.s. go T-birds!

Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

What fun pictures! You guys lucked out with the weather. I just got back to Cali for only a week and I'm hoping for a eighty degree day! So are you thinking of getting a place here? Ha Ha!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

how fun, disneyland is our favorite spot with the kids, I am so jealous of your sunny trip.

Robyn Cox said...

It is so funny how kids change your whole outlook on life. You find so much joy out of watching them enjoy life and experience things for the first time. She is such a doll. What a lucky little girl to have such a sweet family who adore her every move!

Unknown said...

Hayley..your photos are great. I would have loved being there, just to watch, and push Monet. Is there any way I could do that without having to go to Miseryland?
I think the beach house was the perfect ending, especially if you didn't have to get in the ocean!
Am I a fun hater? Maybe, but it did look like a great vacation, but then you all have that much fun in your back yard, and I am there. So just stay home, ok!
Love you, grandma

Brooke and Ben said...

Go Timpview! That is so much fun. It looks like you guys had a great time.
Monet is just darling.