Monday, July 11, 2011


I finally cornered myself and decided on a kitchen table and chairs. The table I had to have custom made, so I was extremely nervous to see how it turned out, but I love it. It's a little worn with a French country kind of a feel. I decided to do the French Marais Chair (Industry West) with it. I have always loved the style of these chairs, and I thought the modern metal design with the worn- in table, seemed to mix together well (for me). I decided to get new bedding. I tried so hard to talk myself into getting a color or a pattern, but in the end I couldn't do it. I just love the clean white/cream bedding for our room. So I went with this one from Anthropologie.

Then I put in that Urban Outfitters little yellow couch. It's really cute and the color is fun. Plus it seems like I can move it just about anywhere. I think for my next party I will pull it up to the kitchen table. I've seen a lot of magazines doing that with round tables and I think it's such a cute look.

It only took me three years to get family photos in my house, but man those things are annoying to hang. Grant and I put these up over our bedroom fireplace. The goal is to add to them and fill in the space over the years.

So that's what's been happening around here. Hope you like.


Unknown said...

Your house is SO cute.

jenna said...

LOVE it!
i have that anthropologie line in coral!

Jennie said...

very pretty Hayley! It's funny--a few weeks ago we were at a friend's house for dinner and she had those same chairs and I asked about them, they look so great.

Anonymous said...

As always your house looks great. Love the little touches you've added.

Chelsea Anne said...

So cute! Love it!