Monday, September 5, 2011


We are all in a state of shock and sadness because my grandma Joanne suddenly passed away last night. She went in Thursday to have her gall bladder removed. One thing went wrong after another, but as of Friday she seemed good. They even had plans of moving her to rehab in two days to get her ready to go home. But then yesterday she just went down hill so fast. She got water on her lungs and all of her vitals were not good. Me, Grant and Riley rushed to the hospital at about 8pm and the entire family was there with her as she took her last breath at 11:30pm. I'm happy for her because her suffering was short but I feel so sad to have had to say goodbye so abruptly. I just can't believe it.


for you, love me said...

I am so sorry. She was such an awesome sweet lady. We'll be thinking about you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Oh this just makes my heart hurt for you Hayley! It's so hard when things are so sudden. I'm glad though that you were able to be there with her. Lots of prayers for your family!

Jennie said...

So sorry Hayley! It is harder when it comes suddenly. We are thinking about you lots.

Unknown said...

Hayley I'm so sorry! Death is so awful. Sending lots of prayers and loves your way :)

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

im so sorry Hayley.

Carli said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your Grandma. Never forget the moments and memories you had with her. Let your family know she is in my heart and prayers.

whit said...

I was just aware of the news and I am so sorry, she was such a fun neat sweet person. We are thinking of you and our prayers are with you.

shannon said...

I just heard about your sweet Grandma...I am so sorry for your loss. Lots of love and prayers being sent you r way!!
(I think your grandpa couldn't stand to be without her any longer) ;)