Sunday, November 6, 2011


This week we went to Scottsdale to meet up with Grants parents, his brother and his wife and their five, adorable kids.


This is Monet waiting in the airport. We basically let the kids do whatever. We went to this game place and they all had a blast.

This is Monet and Andrew. She loved to hug him, talk to him, and rip anything he was holding right out of his hands. Sharing must not be her forte.

They were so cute playing together.
I tried getting some cute photos but I couldn't get her to hold still for one second.

Eating ring pops on the couch.

The kids also swam two of the days. This is such a classic Monet face she is making.

Monet and Andrew drinking smoothies and talking. She is probably telling him about the scary skeleton that she saw on Susan's porch the night of Halloween. She told everyone there about it about three times a day.

The girls were so sweet to Monet. She always wanted to hold their hand and be right by them. She said, "my cousins" about 50 times.

We had a really fun week. It was so nice just to relax and hangout with family.

1 comment:

coco said...

that sounds so fun! what a cute family grant has! next time you go, call me--i know some great, must-do shopping in phoenix!