Monday, April 21, 2008


Waiting for beautiful weather. Dreaming of Hawaii. Organized over the weekend. I organize and then I re-organize. I love to have everything put away and looking clean. I like to know exactly where everything is. I also love to throw away. When I'm in "clean out mode" anything could go. Sometimes I regret it. Like when I threw out my 2nd in the Nation trophy for my Individual Cheerleading Routine. I thought "what will I need this for? I don't want to move it to the new house." A few days later after the dumpster had taken it away, I thought, "I should have kept that."
Oh well.


Chelsea Anne said...

You throw out shirts you havn't worn in two years, not keepsakes.

You should come organize my house now.

allegra said...

laughing. i wish i was more like this, but only really "reorganize" when we're moving. its kinda liberating to throw things out though, it makes you feel free. i had no idea you lived in france for a bit. no wonder your decorating style is so so darling. your mothers day gifts are so cute, your mom is a lucky lady!

don't feel bad about the cheer trophy. you don't need it. :)

Natalie said...

Are you kidding me? You threw that out....i'm not trying to make you feel bad I just can't believe you. Well, your house sure shows how organized you are, it's impressive, truly impressive. Tyler always says to me 'why do we need all this stuff anyway?'. I just can't part with some of it.