Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I've been absent from blogging for a few reasons:
-Grant's brother was in town staying with us, which meant a lot of games of ping pong.
-Grant's parents are now in town visiting.
-I've been watching Chloe play soccer.
-I've been letting my house get dirty.
-I've been relaxing and prolonging my fall cleaning, which I would like to do, but am making myself enjoy the summer longer. I'm not putting my swimming suits up even though I no longer have anywhere to wear them.
-And I've been trying to convince Grant to get me a house cleaner (just once in a while).I might have him convinced. I noticed the other day my baseboards are starting to get dusty. I wish new houses never got old.

1 comment:

coco said...

i've been letting my house get dirty too! so grant's a ping pong player--joe wants to play him. he already beat griffin! if we get another warm enough day go take one last dip in shayne's pool--i'm still waiting for one last swim. call me and i'll meet you over there.