Monday, February 22, 2010


My life has consisted of one thing lately: P90X
Tell me you've seen the infomercial. Yes, I am one of the suckers that got roped in and purchased. Going to the gym on a consistent basis has been impossible. So I turned an empty bedroom into a gym and have been following the workout plan for almost two weeks now. Supposedly in 90 days you're supposed to be ripped. I wouldn't say I'm going for "ripped" just "in shape" will do for me. Each day is an hour, a different workout and extremely HARD! (And by the way, don't expect any before and after shots (!))


sarah said...

HA! You and Brett should workout together! He's on week 3! I do the plyo and yoga sometimes with him...but usually just ride my spinning bike and offer encouragement....ok...fine...I stay up there because I have a crush on Tony...hhhhhh! Do your best, and FORGET THE REST!

sarah said...

(that was supposed to say ahhhhh, not hhhhhh.) sorry...i got a little worked up thinking of tony.

whit said...

good for you!! i need to try it. i know people who have done it and love it. not much longer till swimsuit season!!

Ganon said...

As a failed wanna be graduate of
P90X I wish you luck. I have regressed back to my previous workout of playing golf. But as you can tell by Phil Mickelson, it doesn't do much.

coco said...

i'm so tired. i wish i could join you but these'd think by 3 they'd be easier. i'm still waiting.....and still using them as an excuse!

Chelsea Anne said...

Let me know what you think. Maybe i'll have to try it after this little one comes.

Anonymous said...

Hay me, my mom, and sisters are all starting P90X as well!! The guy in it is a bit odd but the workouts are awesome. My mom wants to be able to see your cute is her email if you approve of her as a viewer :)