help please
I got this really cute "R" for Christmas. It has pink and white light bulbs in it that light up. Here's the problem and my question; I don't love how the cord hangs down the middle of the wall AND it's really dangerous because I don't want Monet to pull on the cord and have a big metal heavy sign fall on her head. So I am wondering if anything exists that eliminates the extension cord, like a battery pack, or something? Am I just dreaming this up?
(ps. isn't it about time someone invented wireless electricity (!))
if you find out an answer to this, please please let me know.
Hi Hay, Just saw your post of Monet's photos... thanks so much for your nice words, you're very sweet. It's usually effortless with a beauty like her : )
I have no idea about your electricity dilemma, but there HAS to be a reasonable solution. Maybe ask Jeff Robert? He's the lighting pro. Where is that R from anyway? I'm a collector of K's now and that is the coolest thing I've ever seen!!
Let me ask Andy and I will get back to you if he has any is very cute!
Hey you can hire an electrician to come fish a wire up the inside of the wall and hard wire it to a junction box behind the R so it would not be seen. Only problem is then you would have a junction box there so if you ever got rid of the R what do you do then? Other problem is how to turn it on and off, I have a solution for that also. If you want to here my solutions you can call me. By the way I have to come up and work on Kendal and Nates house some time if you want help with that one.
By the way you don't have to hire me.
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