Monday, July 7, 2008


We spent the 4th of July in Manti with family. We played golf Thursday, had a pool party, watched the parade, had our own "field of fire", went to the park, had a water fight, played golf again, had a picnic, played pool and watched more fireworks. Grant and I golfing.
Riley eating sno cones during the parade.
4 wheeling.
Watching fire works.
Chloe and I looking mean with our new tattoos. The lady in the tattoo booth asked Chloe which one of us was older...
Playing pool in my uncles chicken coop.

On Saturday we went up to our cabin. This cabin was built by my great grandpa in the 60's. So when I say cabin I really mean camping with a roof.
The kids hut.Group photo.

We went mountain biking, hiking, fishing, rode 4 wheelers and motorcycles, played games and had plenty of smores. This may be old news but smores made with peanut butter cups are pretty amazing.



Hayley Anderson Photography said...

That looks like so much fun! I love the chicken coop! How cool is that? And I'm going to make one of those smores, that sounds dang good!

Natalie said...

So fun to actually see pictures of a place I've heard about for years...Looks fun! We made s'mores on the 4th too but, only used hershey's...we'll have to try the PB cups, those are Ty's favorite.

Cute photos;-)

Chelsea Anne said...

Who's sweet RZR?

And the PB cups sound good too.

And did you know that your sister has been hanging out with my nephews? Like my 17 year old nephew. I am looking for some dirt.

Anonymous said...

The picture of you and your tatoos scared me big time haha you guys are so mean looking. you guys look like you had a way fun 4th!

Carli said...

Looks like you had fun! I love getting together with the whole family on the holidays! P.S. I have never had smores with peantut butter cups, Sounds good, I'll have to try it.