Thursday, July 17, 2008


Grant comes from a long line of dentists, so whenever I need work, it's just a plane ride away. Chloe came along because my parents are in Vegas. Grant was playing golf in Tahoe last week and was on the 15th hole when Chloe and I arrived in the Sacramento airport... so we had four hours to kill.
So we
Ate pizza on the bus stop benches.
And then found a shady spot underneath a tree to watch a movie. It didn't turn out too well because the buses and taxis were too loud.
So we played Uno. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again... 36 times to be exact.
We then found the Mexico terminal which was air conditioned and abandoned. We continued Uno in here until Grant picked us up.
I thought I was going to have two root canals but didn't even need one, thankfully. So in between dental work all we did was swim and play with Grant's nieces.
It was a lot of fun and perfectly relaxing.


Unknown said...

Root canals are the worst so I'm glad you didn't have to get any! Chloe is so old, Keslee has a picture in her room of her and Chloe when they were tiny, in their princess dresses at Disneyland. It's so cute.

allegra said...

i'm jealous you get to spend time with your sisters. *boo hoo*, lucky you:) uno is the bomb.

allegra said...

..or sister (singular).. i don't know if you have more than one....

coco said...

i love those pictures at the airport--your hubby playing golf when you land and having you wait is so something joe would do (not to be mean, just bad planning). i remember the days of flying stand-by from nyc to slc and waiting hours in the st. louis airport--with 3 kids, by myself.......we found every corner of that airport.
those were the days!

Ellery said...

looks like you made the best out of a fun airport wait! glad you got out of root canals!!