Wednesday, January 28, 2009


STROLLERS? I was laying in bed the other night, proud of myself for finally designing the nursery. Then I got a little panicked about not having any idea about the necessities.
So if you have an opinion please, please help me out.
I'm looking for the perfect stroller. I've looked briefly at the bugaboo ones but I'm not sure if they seem to bulky and heavy? Any suggestions? Thanks for all the advice. I'm sure this is only the beginning!


whit said...

I LOVE that stroller!!! so dang cute, the quinny has a really cute one I have the zapp but the buzz is very similar to the bugaboo, the one thing i liked about the quinny was the maxi cosi car seat fit the quinny strollers and they are the cutest car seats! I also like the bumbleride queen-b strollers they are also very cute! Jordan will be speaking Dutch! So exciting!

whit said...

sorry i have the quinny zapp, and they also have the buzz.

coco said...

i love the bugaboo stroller. i remember when i was pregnant and we were at leadville--i saw a lady there with one and she said she loved it. everyone i know that has one loves theirs. if they would have made a stroller for two, i would have bought it. the mom at leadville had orange/pink--it was to die for. whitney's is way cute too and probably not as pricey, hers doesn't seem as bulky as the bugaboo either.

Brooke and Ben said...

I'm always afraid to give advice, but here is my little opinion on strollers... :)

Before you pick one, think about YOUR lifestyle and what you are doing the most. I use my stroller the most when I am shopping, so one that fits through the aisles of the stores is a must.

I also wish I would have just bought a double stroller from the beginning. Right now I have the Joovy Caboose and I really like it. It is light and a baby carrier fits on the front, and there is a seat for standing or sitting in the back, which they like when they are a little older because they can just jump on and stand while you push. It's not BULKY, so you don't get tired of lifting it all the time into the car or trunk. It also fits any baby carseat, so you don't have to get a baby carrier that goes only with your stroller.
Check out the Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stand-On Tandem Stroller at

Also, I have heard great things about the Phil and Teds Sports Buggy. Check it out at (love this site)

You can have it be a one or two seater, and it doesn't change the width of it.
I think it is a pain to have to buy a stroller every time you have a baby, but some people don't. If it is still in good condition, you can use it for at least the first two.

I would buy something that washes really well. You can be sure they will spit up on it or poo or something you weren't expecting to be on your stroller. :)

Sorry this is so long. I guess what I am saying is there are a lot of good strollers out there, so just think about when and where you will be using it and the width and weight. That's what I think about anyway.

I am so excited for you.
Being a mom really is the greatest thing. It is the hardest, but the greatest.

Granum Family said...

We have the bugaboo cameleon and LOVE it..... but, if we didn't live in NY and had to be putting it in a car all the time, I wouldn't recommend it. It's heavy and bulky and would be a pain I think. It's perfect for walking in the city though. If you want to go with a bugaboo, I'd go with the bugaboo bee instead :)

Chelsea Anne said...

Very cute. Get it. A woman with your shopping habits needs a stylish stroller.

whit said...

go to usa baby in slc, they have the bugaboo and the quiny and a million other strollers, and car seats. then you can see the size and weight and everything else! they match prices too!

Kathy said...

Thanks for the tips on the onesies, I am definitely going to order some. :) Isn't shopping for a girl so much fun?!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

I love my bugaboo when I am in big cities but for day to day se, its not practical, i really never use it, one that folds up well is best and I love my maxi cosi car seat, maybe the quinny. I have heard they are fabb!!