Friday, January 7, 2011


New Years Eve day my dad came over to make Monet her very own Frosty. They had to work for this snowman since the snow was dry as dust, so they used buckets of water. Monet ate Swedish fish while she watched the magic happen out the window. Once he was built she went out to put the face on. She was very happy with her Frosty. Good job boys.

This girl is crazy about her grandpa.I had no part in this, I was cooking and just emerged for a photo (!)
Meet Frosty.
Now every morning when she wakes up she runs to the french doors and yells
"Frosty the Snowman!"


Robyn Cox said...

That is so very cute! The Wolf is such a good guy (and Grant too!). That Frosty is one perfect snowman!

Unknown said...

That is so cute!

coco said...

that is so sweet! what a great way to start out the year!