Thursday, May 22, 2008


Even though today is rainy and cold... it's still beautiful.
Good news is I found a recipe blog today that looks extremely promising. Healthy but not too difficult. I think I'll start to try them. However I need to go buy a new crock pot first. You're wondering why I don't have a crock pot. Well it's because when Grant and I were first married I tried cooking a roast and burned it. I scrubbed the crock pot for days but couldn't get it clean. That was the first and only use. When we were moving my self proclaimed OCD habit kicked in and I didn't want the used crock pot in the new clean house. Needless to say it was about a few weeks later when the thought, " I could use that crock pot... why did I give that away?" popped into my head. So, buying a new crock pot is on the to do list... but not for this week. This week is my birthday and I've decided I don't have to cook, clean or buy crock pots when it's my birthday.


Chelsea Anne said...

What site did you find?

Also let me know what you want to do for your Birthday and I will put it together. Mind you...I am gone during the weekend.

Teagan said...

please let us in on the site... I would love to check it out!

and its windy, rainy and cold here too... its crazy how yesterday it was 109 degrees and now its 70 and rainy... weird az weather going on!!

Ellery said...

OHHH my GLORY HAYLEY!!! You didnt want to use your used crock pot in your new house!! You are hilarious! Im going to come rumage through your garbage looking for used kitchen appliances!! :)