Monday, November 17, 2008


Here's the deal, I'm very tired... We've been with my dad in the hospital all week. Yesterday he had to have a blood transfusion which took 8 hours. Afterwards he said he was done with the hospital, so we made my parents living room a hospital room and transported him there... hospital bed and all. He's doing better. Recovery is slow but moving. I've been running around like crazy all weekend so I'm going to take a minor blogging break. See ya in a few... Hayley.


for you, love me said...

Holy crap...I was not prepared for that. And I want to go into the medical field. I hope Larry's recovery is speedy. I can't believe he got both knees done at once.

Anonymous said...

Get better soon Larry!

Carli said...

Ouch! I sure hope he is feeling better soon. I remember when we turned my parents living room into a hospital room. Let us know if there is anything we can do for him. Tell him we are thinking of him and he gets feeling better real soon!

Ellery said...

I cant believe he needed a blood transfusion! What is that all about? Poor guy, I hope he gets feeling better soon. I have a feeling greg will be the proud recipient of those one day...including hips!
Hope he gets back to his self really soon. Tell him we are thinking of him.