Thursday, November 13, 2008


I've been thinking a little bit about decorating for Christmas. Last year we had just moved in and I didn't put up much more of an effort than the tree. I have these 12 Days of Christmas plates and want to hang them on the wall but I don't want to put holes in the wall. Does anyone have any plate hanging tips?

Every Christmas I want to order these polka dot sheets from Garnett Hill. Red and White dots seem so cute to wake up in every December morning.


megan said...

Hey those plates are so cute. I do have a way to hang them without poking holes in your walls. First you get plate wire hangers. You can find them at the craft store or target or walmart just ask someone. Then use these hooks from 3M they come in a variety of sizes smallest would work the best. They are called Command strips or hooks. You could google it to see what they are. I use these everywhere too. I hate poking holes in my nice walls. They are strong enough hold plates too I have used them for that. Good luck can't wait to see the outcome of your christmas.

coco said...

i bought the green/white polka-dot sheets for my babies...i love them.

coco said...

let me know if megan's plate hanging method works--i've never trusted those 3m things. i just put holes in my walls and the
holes actually go unnoticed when i take things down.