Wednesday, January 7, 2009


For me January means one thing: ORGANIZE I give myself all month to get my stuff in order for the entire year.
Some of my to do's:
Sort and organize receipts
File all of 2008
Prepare 08 taxes
Put all of the tear sheets I've ripped out of magazines, into clear plastic sheets and into the 'idea' binder
Finish some of the house repairs that we never got to after we moved in
And my newest project - THE HOUSE MANUAL - I'll post in more detail later

This means a trip to Ikea for some more boxes

And to Target for the 'Real Simple' organizing solutions

Binders, folders, new boxes, cleaning out and organizing makes me happy. I was the kid that after school supply shopping, had her paper and tabs all inserted before the car hit the drive way... such a nerd.


megan said...

I am excited to see what you create on your sewing machine. You have the perfect place for it! Please do post what you make.

I so need to organize too. I love containers that look pretty.

Happy New Year!

p.s. BTW tiapan trading off of 90th south has those cocoa lattes for $29.99.

coco said...

hayley, that is so me. i've been working on my mud room for 4 days....i've taken everything out and almost have it all put back together. then onto my desk.... and the school supplies issue-now i know where skylar gets it from. that is so her. she has more binders, dividers, folders, etc. than a girl needs and they are all tabbed and ready for school weeks before school starts!