Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yesterday we heard it for the first time.....

thump, thump, thump, thump.....

This adorable, fast, little heartbeat. It was amazing.


jenna said...

so sweet! can't believe you JUST heard must be 14 weeks by now! CONGRATS!

jenna said...
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coco said...

one the most amazing sounds ever. it makes it all real, doesn't it?

for you, love me said...

That's really neat Hayley. I can't imagine how exciting that must be.

for you, love me said...

Hayley also I wanted to ask you if you have ever bought a Eurail pass when you were in France? Sandy and I are planning a trip in the Spring and I'm trying to decide if it is worth it...the Eurail pass I mean.

Jessica said...

I totally remember that first time with Graham. His heart was so fast 180's so I thought it was a girl for sure, but by the next ultrasound it was 140's and he was a boy! So fun! Keep us posted on your pregnancy!